Am primit acest raport de progres al lucrărilor care au loc la Biserica Sfîntului Edward Mucenicul din Brookwood, Anglia. Dacă puteţi să îi ajutaţi fie cu donaţii, fie cu rugăciune, vă rog să o faceţi. Comunitatea ortodoxă de acolo este foarte mică şi nu dispune de mijloace financiare deosebite. De asemenea, nu este situată într-un stat ortodox, ca să beneficieze de un minim ajutor de la stat. Vă mulţumesc :) O zi blagoslovită!
Am postat mai jos cîteva fotografii de la faţa locului, pentru ca să puteţi vedea frumuseţea Bisericii, dar şi şantierul.
Aici puteţi găsi mai multe imagini despre acest proiect.
Progress on the Re-roofing Project
THE APOSTLES’ FAST began today with a welcome boost to our Roof Fund. A generous donor gave us a gift yesterday which took us just over the half-way point to reaching our target figure of £47,500. We first issued our appeal for this third and last phase of our building project on 2nd April, n.s. In just over ten weeks, we have now raised £23,892.24, (50.3% of our target figure).
Our Architect, Irina Hoble-Aldesley of Eulinea, Worcester Park, our contractors, Marshels Roofing Contractors of Runfold, and we have now had two progress meetings. Marshels spent a week meticulously protecting those things in the church which we could not move, then the scaffolders completed their work inside and out, the spire was stripped of its rotting shingles, and then the roof of its tiles. Those that can be used again have been carefully stacked. Work is in hand off site to replace those timbers in need of this. The roof timbers and others in the church have now been treated so that they are preserved, and new electricity cicuits are being installed. Chubbs Electronic Security have also agreed a contract with us for the replacing and up-dating of the intruder alarm system, this time adding a fire alarm. Work began today on the first of the four dormer windows which form part of the design in hand. Pictures of the progress are posted from time to time on our website: <>
Having learned a little from watching the building of the new monastic house here, we are more than pleased with the progress of the work and with the professionalism of the present contractors.
The work is scheduled to end on 14th August n.s., & by the end of that month we shall have to settle 95% of the cost of the project. This means that we have to raise almost all of the remaining £23,200 by the end of August. We have been extremely grateful for the generous help you have afforded this project so far, & we thank God & His Saints for it. Please continue your support, so that the church may be restored and that the sacred relics of Saint Edward the Martyr may no longer be enshrined in a church with a roof needing attention.
Please help us as generously as you can, & as quickly as you can. All donations should be made out to King Edward Orthodox Trust Co Ltd (except those in US dollars which should be made payable to Saint Edward Brotherhood - we will transfer them). We have found difficulty in negotiating cheques in Euros as the charges are very high, so please pay in stirling, or US dollars if paying by cheque, or send Euros in cash. If you are a UK tax-payer, please ensure that your donation is gift-aided (details available on request), so that we may boost your contribution by 25%, by reclaiming the tax already paid on it.
If you feel unable to make an outright gift, please consider giving us an interest-free loan, which will enable us to extend the period in which we have to meet all our commitments.
And again, if you are unable to help us financially, please at least help us by making our appeal widely known, and by supporting it by your prayers.
Address for donations: Saint Edward Brotherhood, Saint Cyprian’s Avenue,
BROOKWOOD, Woking, Surrey, GU24 0BL